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Assemblage on canvas with found objects: layered coloured clothes with altered labels, pills, shoes, handbags, books. Explores critiques stereotypes of identity, polarized black/white. Questions attitudes beliefs tied to ideas about race in North America.
Assemblage on canvas with found objects: layered coloured clothes with altered labels, pills, shoes, handbags, books. Explores critiques stereotypes of identity, polarized black/white. Questions attitudes beliefs tied to ideas about race in North America.
Assemblage on canvas with found objects: layered coloured clothes with altered labels, pills, shoes, handbags, books. Explores critiques stereotypes of identity, polarized black/white. Questions attitudes beliefs tied to ideas about race in North America.
Assemblage on canvas with found objects: layered coloured clothes with altered labels, pills, shoes, handbags, books. Explores critiques stereotypes of identity, polarized black/white. Questions attitudes beliefs tied to ideas about race in North America.
Assemblage on canvas with found objects: layered coloured clothes with altered labels, pills, shoes, handbags, books. Explores critiques stereotypes of identity, polarized black/white. Questions attitudes beliefs tied to ideas about race in North America.
Assemblage on canvas with found objects: layered coloured clothes with altered labels, pills, shoes, handbags, books. Explores critiques stereotypes of identity, polarized black/white. Questions attitudes beliefs tied to ideas about race in North America.
Assemblage on canvas with found objects: layered coloured clothes with altered labels, pills, shoes, handbags, books. Explores critiques stereotypes of identity, polarized black/white. Questions attitudes beliefs tied to ideas about race in North America.
Assemblage on canvas with found objects: layered coloured clothes with altered labels, pills, shoes, handbags, books. Explores critiques stereotypes of identity, polarized black/white. Questions attitudes beliefs tied to ideas about race in North America.
Assemblage on canvas with found objects: layered coloured clothes with altered labels, pills, shoes, handbags, books. Explores critiques stereotypes of identity, polarized black/white. Questions attitudes beliefs tied to ideas about race in North America.
Assemblage on canvas with found objects: layered coloured clothes with altered labels, pills, shoes, handbags, books. Explores critiques stereotypes of identity, polarized black/white. Questions attitudes beliefs tied to ideas about race in North America.
Assemblage on canvas with found objects: layered coloured clothes with altered labels, pills, shoes, handbags, books. Explores critiques stereotypes of identity, polarized black/white. Questions attitudes beliefs tied to ideas about race in North America.
Assemblage on canvas with found objects: layered coloured clothes with altered labels, pills, shoes, handbags, books. Explores critiques stereotypes of identity, polarized black/white. Questions attitudes beliefs tied to ideas about race in North America.
Assemblage on canvas with found objects: layered coloured clothes with altered labels, pills, shoes, handbags, books. Explores critiques stereotypes of identity, polarized black/white. Questions attitudes beliefs tied to ideas about race in North America.
Assemblage on canvas with found objects: layered coloured clothes with altered labels, pills, shoes, handbags, books. Explores critiques stereotypes of identity, polarized black/white. Questions attitudes beliefs tied to ideas about race in North America.
Assemblage on canvas with found objects: layered coloured clothes with altered labels, pills, shoes, handbags, books. Explores critiques stereotypes of identity, polarized black/white. Questions attitudes beliefs tied to ideas about race in North America.
Assemblage on canvas with found objects: layered coloured clothes with altered labels, pills, shoes, handbags, books. Explores critiques stereotypes of identity, polarized black/white. Questions attitudes beliefs tied to ideas about race in North America.
Assemblage on canvas with found objects: layered coloured clothes with altered labels, pills, shoes, handbags, books. Explores critiques stereotypes of identity, polarized black/white. Questions attitudes beliefs tied to ideas about race in North America.

In Colour-blinded, I glued found objects on a large canvas as a way to explore and critique stereotypes of identity, particularly ones expressed in polarized terms, such as black and white. I covered my canvas with layered coloured clothes and altered their labels; I also added white pills, handbags, belts, shoes, CD jackets, and books on racial issues. By juxtaposing these different materials, my work engages viewers to look at its overall form, while the layered items and modified clothing labels invite a closer examination. Colour-blinded questions attitudes and assumptions linked to ideas about race in North America today. It asks: "Has our society evolved from its racial past into a post-racial one?" “Are labels of colour harmless descriptions of people, or do they fix them into an 'either-or-category' (erasing an awareness of their often plural ancestry)?" "To what extent do labels perpetuate negative stereotyping?”