Sculpture > Spoon sculpture

Sculpture made of metal spoons examines mixed black/white identity. Layered spoons covered with personal photos and race-related text references act of eating, feeding on or being fed information about one’s self and asks: How is identity constructed?
Sculpture made of metal spoons examines mixed black/white identity. Layered spoons covered with personal photos and race-related text references act of eating, feeding on or being fed information about one’s self and asks: How is identity constructed?
Sculpture made of metal spoons examines mixed black/white identity. Layered spoons covered with personal photos and race-related text references act of eating, feeding on or being fed information about one’s self and asks: How is identity constructed?
Sculpture made of metal spoons examines mixed black/white identity. Layered spoons covered with personal photos and race-related text references act of eating, feeding on or being fed information about one’s self and asks: How is identity constructed?
Sculpture made of metal spoons examines mixed black/white identity. Layered spoons covered with personal photos and race-related text references act of eating, feeding on or being fed information about one’s self and asks: How is identity constructed?

In Feeding on Identity, I examine parts of my mixed black/white identity through a process of layering metal spoons into the shape of my head. I overlaid some of the spoons with images from personal photos (my mother and father, me and a group of friends from elementary school, etc.) and text (newspaper clippings with race-related content). The work engages viewers to look beyond its overall form and more closely at its individual parts. Overall, as the title suggests, Feeding on Identity references the act of eating, as in ‘feeding on’ or ‘being fed’ information about one’s self. Some questions my work asks are: "How is identity constructed?" or "How do we come to know ourselves?" "How much is shaped by us individually, by our family, friends, and social environment?"